Free uk delivery. 30-day free returns.
Free delivery. 30-day free returns.


Our Guarantees

Every day, we work hard to provide you with top-notch service and high-quality products. Feel free to give us a try without any concerns; we're dedicated to four essential principles that ensure you'll have a one-of-a-kind experience and receive outstanding products.

30-day free returns

It's perfectly normal to have doubts; it's just a part of life. What if the product doesn't fit? What if you change your mind? Reach out to us within 30 days, and we'll gladly take the furniture back, no questions asked.

On time delivery

We promise on-time delivery for all our products. Each product displays its delivery time, and we are committed to sticking to that timeline.

5 years warranty

Our products are designed to last, ensuring enduring durability and quality. Purchase our furniture with confidence, backed by a 5-year guarantee for a worry-free experience.

Price match promise

Price match before and after your purchase! We'll match prices even 7 days after you've made your purchase. If you find the same item at a lower price elsewhere, simply email us at with the product link, and we will take care of the rest.